Field of Study
Political Science
Doctoral Project
Comparative politics, political economy of democratization, social movements, state theory, political theory
Publications and Conference Presentations
“Kekhususan Oligarki: Pemikiran Jeffrey Winters mengenai Oligarki” in Oligarki: Teori dan Kritik edited by Pontoh, C. P., and Mudhoffir, A.M., Jakarta: Marjin Kiri, 2019 (forthcoming)
“The State, Class Struggle, and Capitalist Development in Indonesia and South Korea: A Marxist View,” Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review, 3(2), 239-261, 2018
“The Struggle of Urban Poor against Forced Eviction in Jakarta.” Urban Revolt: State Power and the Rise of People’s Movement in the Global South, edited by Immanuel Ness, Trevor Ngwane and Luke Sinwell. Chicago: Haymarket, 2017Struggle of Urban Poor against Forced Eviction in Jakarta.” Urban Revolt: State Power
Presenter. “Constrained Hegemony: The State and Islamic Politics in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia,” 2017 Arryman Fellows Symposium, Northwestern University, May 2018 and Jakarta, Indonesia, June 2018
Honors, Awards, Distinctions
ISRSF Arryman Scholar Award ($500,000), June 2018
ISRSF Arryman Fellow Award ($65,000), June 2017